Upcoming Trainings

TANF - Basic
Get started with the basics of TANF and gain the essential skills needed to navigate the program with confidence.
Medicaid - Basic
Medicaid is a complex and ever-evolving program that provides health coverage, impacting the lives of millions daily. Whether you are new or arrive with experience, this training course is designed to provide participants at every level with a comprehensive knowledge of the Medicaid program.
Grants Management - Basic
Kickstart your journey into grants management with our beginner-friendly event designed to provide you with the foundational knowledge and tools for success.
Cost Allocation - Basic
This training covers the basics of public assistance cost allocation plans, including regulatory requirements and plan development processes. It also offers strategies for using cost allocation plans as a revenue optimization tool, with a focus on compliance with federal regulations. Participants will also learn about current issues affecting states and their cost allocation plans in the current budgetary climate.
Child Welfare - Basic
This training aims to equip participants with fundamental knowledge and skills relevant to Child Welfare, including regulatory requirements and current topics. It covers the intricacies of funding streams in child welfare services, with a particular focus on IV-E and IV-B programs, and provides up to 16 hours of CPE. Participants will also learn about recent changes in FFPSA and CCWIS, as well as how to report eligible expenditures accurately.
Medicaid - Basic
This course provides comprehensive insight into the core of the Medicaid program, covering areas such as financing, regulations, eligible populations, covered services, and fraud. Suitable for all levels of Medicaid professionals, it aims to equip learners with the key concepts and information needed to succeed in the industry. The advanced training course builds on this foundation, delving deeper into specialized areas such as Medicaid financing, payment rates, State Plans, and administrative costs.