Past Trainings

Child Welfare 1
This training aims to equip participants with fundamental knowledge and skills relevant to Child Welfare, including regulatory requirements and current topics. It covers the intricacies of funding streams in child welfare services, with a particular focus on IV-E and IV-B programs, and provides up to 16 hours of CPE. Participants will also learn about recent changes in FFPSA and CCWIS, as well as how to report eligible expenditures accurately.
Cost Allocation 1
This training covers the basics of public assistance cost allocation plans, including regulatory requirements and plan development processes. It also offers strategies for using cost allocation plans as a revenue optimization tool, with a focus on compliance with federal regulations. Participants will also learn about current issues affecting states and their cost allocation plans in the current budgetary climate.
Child Welfare 2
This training aims to equip participants with fundamental knowledge and skills relevant to Child Welfare, including regulatory requirements and current topics. It covers the intricacies of funding streams in child welfare services, with a particular focus on IV-E and IV-B programs, and provides up to 14 hours of CPE. Participants will also learn about recent changes in FFPSA and CCWIS, as well as how to report eligible expenditures accurately.
Cost Allocation 2
This training covers the basics of public assistance cost allocation plans, including regulatory requirements and plan development processes. It also offers strategies for using cost allocation plans as a revenue optimization tool, with a focus on compliance with federal regulations. Participants will also learn about current issues affecting states and their cost allocation plans in the current budgetary climate.